The Climate Dashboard
The climate dashboard shows how the average climate changes as people move along the route during February.
This is based on ECMWF reanalysis (as well as analysis) of model information and observations of many different sorts, which are combined in an optimal way to produce a consistent, global best estimate of the various atmospheric parameters. It has been compiled by the UK Met Office in partnership with WMO and Local National Met Offices.
Route Events
1.- Increased frequency of storms and showers leads to increased frequency of rough seas. Analysis of this suggests rough seas lead to a reduction in numbers of people arriving into Greece.
2.- Temperatures below 2°C for more than 48 hours are used by Public Health England to trigger a cold weather alert. This may indicate an increase the health risks to vulnerable people, and typically occurs 2-5 days after the cold period.
3.- On initial encounter with snow and ice, trends from Public Health England suggest an increased incidence of fractured bones.
4.- Snow becoming more frequent as the terrain becomes more mountainous through the route